Our intent is to grow independent, passionate individuals who love learning and know the they are responsible and influential global citizen. We do this by exposing them to a broad and balanced curriculum which through strong sequences enable our children to build on skills and knowledge throughout their time at our school. Our rural school is set in beautiful Herefordshire, we use the local areas to enhance learning. We are aware that our pupils live in a monocultural area. We ensure enrichment activities such as trips, visits and visitors give children experiences beyond their immediate environments.
Our brand new Curriculum Wheel Document is under construction, in the meantime please click the links below for an in-depth look at our curriculum.
What an artist looks like in the EYFS
Intent, Implementation and Impact
What computing looks like in the EYFS
What DT looks like in the EYFS
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Skills progression mixed abilit
Reading intent, implementation & impact
Writing intent implementation & impact
Phonics intent implementation & impact
Curriculum Map for Grammar & Punctuation
Phonics intent implementation & impact
Reading intent implementation & impact
Reading Policy
RWI Phonics and Reading Workshop for Parents
Recommended Reads
Top tips to help support your child with their reading at home
Intent, Implementation and Impact
What a geographer looks like in the EYFS
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Class 2 Geography Knowledge Map
Class 3 Geography Knowledge Map
Class 3 Cycle A
Class 3 Cycle B
Class 4 Geography Knowledge Map
Class 4 Cycle A
Class 4 Cycle B
What an historian looks like in the EYFS
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Class 2 Cycle A
Class 2 Cycle B
Addition & Subtraction calculation
Multiplication and Division calculation
National Curriculum Progression Primary
What a musician looks like in the EYFS
Kimbolton Music 2 year rolling programme
Music Intent Implementation and Impact
Musical Skills Progression KS1
Musical Skills Progression KS2
PE Sports Premium 2022-2023
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Skills & Progression Grid (EYFS & KS1)
Skills & Progression Grid (KS2)
What PSHE looks like in the EYFS
What RE looks like in the EYFS
Intent, Implementation and Impact
What a scientist looks like in the EYFS
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Kimbolton Science Skills Progression Map-Working Scientifically
Kimbolton Science Progression Map - Scientific Knowledge by Cycle